Family is love. And love is never without problems. Then it's normal if you have a family problems. It just means your family is real love.
Kalo keluarga itu kayak perahu layar dan kehidupan itu lautnya, kadang gw ngerasa keluarga gw saat ini kayak perahu layar di tengah laut. Kami emang udah berhasil lewatin karang dan badai, tapi itu ga berarti perjalanan kami selesai. Badai dan gelombang besar masih hobi menjemput perahu kami. Tapi bapak, mama, uce juga masih giat ngebentangin layar, menangkap angin untuk terus gerakin perahu ini menembus batas-batas yang ada. Tapi sialnya, gw disini masih cuma seakan balita di dalam perahu. Melihat, mengerti, pengen bantu, tapi belum bisa apa-apa. Sometimes I feel so guilty to be just the only load in this "boat". They just always say that I just must be patient with all of this. Then later when I've been grown up enough, that's the time for me to return their goodness by making them happy. But then I wonder, how would my future would be?
Oh I really really dislike this moment. The moment when everybody expects a lot from me.
Yeah people say, the big problems come to the big men.
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